Walton & Taylor

Karen Hunter
PO Box 1479
Orofino, ID 83544

E-mail us
or call 208.305.7069

Service Hours

Monday - Friday
9:30AM-5:00 PM PST
(11:30-8:00 EST)
Weekends - CLOSED

Sack Suits
Sack Coats
About Us

A absolute work of art! If anyone has a better vest for a comparable price we will call them out to their front gate. To go a step further, we will also run down the dog of the person who does not shed a tear at the shear beauty of this garment.

The Walton & Taylor vest has the smaller arm holes common to ALL vests until after WWII. These wool vests are lined with linen and are tailored to a period correct pattern. The horn buttons are hand bound and the button holes are hand stitched. They buckle in the back and are lined under the collar.

These are definitely NOT the poly/cotton potato sacks flooding the market for every ones Saturday night pimp impressions. A website does not do them justice. So buy one and see!

Price: $160 + Shipping in continental US $15 (Please E-mail for available colors)

Above: Hand sewn buttonholes. Notice that a hand sewn buttonhole looks as sturdy as a machine sewn buttonhole. Hand sewn does not equate "shoddy". Marvel at its shear beauty.

Above: Detail showing the lined under collar.
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